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Why Productivity Videos and Books Don’t Feel Useful?

Every one of us at one point of their lives started consuming productivity content, it feels very useful at the beginning and very motivating. At a certain point you will feel that productivity content is far fetched and not useful to you anymore, in addition, you will feel that productivity content is addictive. Most of the productivity content is not useful because it gives you a sense of progressing, which becomes addictive and anti-productive, and some of the advice you get can’t be applied in real life. Productive Procrastination When your dopamine levels are low throughout the day and you feel the urge to be productive your brain will decide unconsciously to go for the easiest route which is opening YouTube and watching productivity videos or searching for the best way to make your To-Do list, which gives you the sense of progress, that you’re doing something good in your life. But, are you benefiting from watching productivity content?  Most participants feel motivated or in...

Why Productivity Videos and Books Don’t Feel Useful?

Every one of us at one point of their lives started consuming productivity content, it feels very useful at the beginning and very motivating. At a certain point you will feel that productivity content is far fetched and not useful to you anymore, in addition, you will feel that productivity content is addictive.

Most of the productivity content is not useful because it gives you a sense of progressing, which becomes addictive and anti-productive, and some of the advice you get can’t be applied in real life.

Productive Procrastination

When your dopamine levels are low throughout the day and you feel the urge to be productive your brain will decide unconsciously to go for the easiest route which is opening YouTube and watching productivity videos or searching for the best way to make your To-Do list, which gives you the sense of progress, that you’re doing something good in your life. But, are you benefiting from watching productivity content? 

Most participants feel motivated or inspired, giving them a positive feeling that can hover over their miserable situation.

A global study that was held in 2023 about the emotional impact of consuming productivity videos, 494 participants asked how these videos made them feel:

  • 357 answered “motivated”
  • 308 answered “inspired”
  • 127 answered “anxious”
  • 95 answered “neutral/indifferent”
  • 97 answered “inadequate”

The Perfection

The major problem with productivity content is that it creates high expectations that can’t be reached, the creators don’t share their flaws and imperfections, or to phrase it better, they don’t show us their humanity.

The participants of the previously mentioned study are asked “Why do you think the videos make you feel this way?”.

One of the participants who felt inadequate watching these videos answered: “It makes me feel like I’m doing something wrong, and my efforts are not near enough, and that will be the reason I failed.”

We need to acknowledge that our lives are not perfect, and we can’t apply these perfect routines and tips that are made for the perfect day when you don’t face any obstacles or unexpected errands.

Breaking The Cycle

Jordan Peterson has an interesting theory about lobsters and their hierarchy system, Peterson argues that lobsters have their own hierarchies, and the status of their hierarchy runs on serotonin. If lobsters win a fight their serotonin level and hierarchy will be higher, even their bodies will stretch to appear bigger which will make them more dominant and win the next fight easily, the other side of the coin is also true.

Humans are alike, if you keep losing your fight, if you keep yourself in a sad, anxious and frustrated state, as you go down with your own hierarchy system it will be harder and harder to get out.

You may ask, how to get out and break the cycle of failure? there’s no magic answer, no one will change your life for you and no one will help you but yourself. Just Do it.

It won’t be easy and don’t expect it to ever be easy, sometime you will be excited to work and that’s good, but don’t forget if you don’t have the motivation to work then you need to, then force yourself into working, 

The Complexity

Once I saw videos about an app called notion, basically it’s a very advanced app that you can arrange your to-do lists, calendar, database, guides, and everything that you can imagine, but, setting up notion was time consuming to a degree that you can’t imagine, you can save your time by using a simple To-Do list or a piece of paper, and throw a calendar if you need to.

Todoist is a simple and efficient app that I highly recommend and available to every platform and you can integrate your calendar and email if needed.

Everyone’s road is different 

With each decision we make, our lives get more complicated and not as much as similar.

Your priorities, feelings, circumstances, don't match any person in this plant, so keep this in your mind and don’t compare yourself to other people… especially people who you don't know online.

Practical Tips

  • Limit consuming productivity content, there's no harm in watching one video per day or when you need to solve something, but no more.
  • When setting up your plans, try to be flexible and realistic.
  • Don't let yourself sink in sadness and the never ending cycle of procrastination.
  • Don't over complicate your plans, a piece of blank paper is enough to plan your life.

In conclusion, consuming productivity content could be harmful for your mental health which will decrease decrease your productivity, and could lead you to a cycle of procrastination and bad emotions, but remember, if you live in hell, you need to start working to get out of it immediately.